Up | Japanese Period of e-education course Created : 2002-11-02
Modified: 2002-10-19

periodic constant
  1. Prepare database for new school-year
    • Classes
    • Students

  2. Make syllabi
    • Aim/Goal
    • Schedule
    • Evaluation

  3. Guide students in e-learning
    • Online registration
    • Way of e-learning

  4. Start classes

  5. Rotate :
    1. Set students tasks
    2. Receive students' questions and
      answer them (Instruction)
    3. Evaluate students' tasks (Instruction)

  6. Final evaluation (1)
    Announce students their grade

  7. Hear students' objection about their grade
    Final evaluation (2)

  8. Close classes

  • Maintenance/improvement/reform of
    teaching contents

  • Improvement/reform of
    web design, user interface, guide/support

  • Maintenance/improvement/reform of
    server system (including database)

  • Planning new directions
    • Course, curriculum,
      teaching method, evaluation
    • Web disign, user interface,
      contents technology
    • Server system, database