Up | Japanese Registration of the Mi-student Created : 1999-01-23
Modified: 2000-01-30

  1. A user applies to registration in the registration page. The e-mail address is indispensable.

  2. The program checks if the user (the mail address) was once registered or not. If the mail address was registered, the program announce this fact on the page.

  3. If the mail address is new, the data submitted is stored in the database, together with the ID number which is randomly generated.

  4. In the same time a mail for certification where the ID number is attached is sent to the applicant. The subject of the mail is "MI-STUDENT [serial number]". The sender is "webmaster".
    On the page, is displayed a message, which tells that a mail is sent to the applicant and that the applicant should follow the instruction written in it.

  5. In the mail, the followings are written :
  6. By receiving the authentication data which the applicant inputed, the program checks it against the database. If they match up, the registration is made. If not, a message which tells that the authentication failed is displayed on the page.