Up | Japanese Progress of E-Education Practice Created : 1999-12-01
Updated: 1999-12-02

1995 In the fall semester, the construction of an asynchronous education web-site ("WWW Class") started.
  • The shift of teaching materials to web contents started at the following couses :

      Semester Course Number of members
      Spring Elementary School Math I 200 2
      Special Lecture on ME II 15
      Fall Elementary School Math II 200
      Lower Secondary School Math 25
      Special Lecture on ME I 15

  • Constituents of a course of "WWW Class" :
    • Lecture room
    • Chat, Bulletin board
    • List of members of the class
    • List of achivement-results of the member
    • Manual of report-making
    • Syllabus
    • Library
1996 The followings started at Elementary School Math I and II :
  • To make students use "WWW Class" as a self-teaching space.
  • To make "presentation" versions of the contents of "WWW Class", and to use then at the class. (Thus the class became "digital presentation"-styled).
The online class by means of "WWW Class" started at Lower Secondary School Math and Special Lecture on ME I.
  • The application process was automated by a server-side program.
  • At each class, the members were to make reports in the form of web-contents and to put them into the host which was the web-server.
1997 The online class by means of "WWW Class" started at Special Lecture on ME II.
From December 1997 to November 1998, dispatched to Egypt for an official duty. Meanwhile, Lower Secondary School Math and Special Lecture on ME I, II were lectured online by means of "WWW Class".
1998 Facing the fall semester, "WWW Class" was updated to "ICSU".
  • Connected with database.
  • Available to manage individuals
    • Authentication by user's ID and password
    • Dynamic generation of private page.
  • Corresponding to the types of users ("instructor", "student", "audit", "visitor")
  • Automation by means of server-side program