Distance Instruction

United States Distance Learning Association
-- http://gopher.usdla.org/home.html

Distance Learning
-- http://www.sun.com/960201/cover/learning.html (Score 53, Size 2K)
: Distributed Tutored Video Instruction . One of the major uses of the Information Superhighway and its infrastructure will be for training. Every organization has a training problem for a very ... (See also Similar Pages)

California Distance Learning Project
-- http://www.scoe.otan.dni.us/cdlp/cdlp.html (Score 53, Size 2K)
establishes a delivery system to provide adult literacy and adult basic education instruction. Funded by the California Department of Education, the project provides technical assistance, ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning Fact Sheet
-- http://gopher.usdla.org/dl.html (Score 53, Size 3K)
Distance learning is the application of technology of electronic means to education in all areas: K through 12, Higher Education, Continuing Education, Corporate Training, and Military and ... (See also Similar Pages)

Information for Instructors Using the Internet
-- http://www.triton.cc.il.us/instruct.html (Score 53, Size 1K)
Some sites of Interest . National Teachers Enhancement Network . Delivery of Question Sets Over WWW . Distance Learning Directory . Yahoo's Education Information . The Teacher's ... (See also Similar Pages)

American Journal of Distance Education Interview
-- http://www.att.com/cedl/jinterv.htm (Score 53, Size 19K)
The American Journal of Distance Education . Vol. 8 No. 1 1994 . Interview . Speaking Personally - With Alan G. Chute . Alan G. Chute is manager of the AT&T National Teletraining Center in ... (See also Similar Pages)

Apple America's Higher Education: Distance Learning
-- http://hed.info.apple.com/distance.html (Score 53, Size 7K)
The Apple Virtual Campus "hurdles the barriers of time and space so that distance is no longer a factor in the instruction process." Information about Apple's products. (See also Distance learning, Similar Pages)

About Chattanooga State's Distance Learning Program
-- http://cstcc.chattanooga.net/distance.html (Score 52, Size 43K)
With the ever-increasing varieties of technologies distance learning offers, students need no longer be denied access to specialized training or basic higher education because of time, distance ... (See also Similar Pages)

Curriculum and Instruction (Education)
-- http://galaxy.einet.net/galaxy/Social-Sciences/Education/Curriculum-and-Instruction.html (Score 52, Size 7K)
Social Sciences . Articles . New York University Hippocrates Interactive Learning Experiment . Symmetry in Tamil Threshold Designs . Books . Journal of Modern Problem Solving . Guides . ... (See also Similar Pages)

What is the R. Jan LeCroy Center for Educational Telecommunications?
-- http://www.lecroy.dcccd.edu/HISTORY.htm (Score 52, Size 24K)
(See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning at Ohio State
-- (Score 52, Size 26K)
Designing Distance Education Courses . Education Policy and Leadership 925.43 Columbus Campus . Cross Listed with Education Theory and Practice 692 Marion Campus . Winter Quarter 1996 . The Ohio ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning Resources
-- http://tenb.mta.ca/teleedds.html (Score 52, Size 18K)
Distance Education . World Wide Web Sites . TeleEducation New Brunswick . TeleEducation Nouveau-Brunswick . Distance Education Sites . Distance Education Papers . Distance Education Journals and ... (See also Similar Pages)

Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom in Distance Learning
-- http://sunsite.unc.edu/cmc/mag/1995/apr/berge.html (Score 52, Size 31K)
by Zane Berge (berge@guvax.georgetown.edu) and Mauri Collins (mauri@cac.psue.edu) . The following is the introductory chapter of Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom in ... (See also Similar Pages)

Theology on the Home Page
-- http://convex.uky.edu/~rtcrit00/theopage.html (Score 52, Size 19K)
: . While You Weren't Looking the Bible Went Hypertext . By Willmar Thorkelson . Willmar Thorkelson is a veteran reporter and writer on religious affairs. . (c)1995 by In Trust. In Trust is a ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning Institute
-- http://grad.usda.gov/dli/dli.html/ (Score 52, Size 6K)
Graduate School, USDA . Distance Learning Institute . 1100 Commerce Street, Room 4F25 . Dallas, TX 75242-0495 . Phone: (214) 767-8206 . Fax: (214) 767-8205 . E-Mail Address: ... (See also Similar Pages)

Institute for Distance Education
-- http://www.umuc.edu/ide/ide.html (Score 52, Size 11K)
About IDE . 1996 Action Plan . Models of Distance Education . Newsletter - Linkages . Fall 1995 Issue . Winter 1996 Issue (Forthcoming) . Faculty Development . Evaluation . Publications . IVN ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning Resource list of Ralph Logan Jr.
-- http://edie.cprost.sfu.ca/~rhlogan/bm_dl.html (Score 52, Size 23K)
Long Distance education Links To The Web . The page is a collection of Distance Learning links compiled by Ralph H. Logan. Please contact R.H. Logan for any corrections or additions to this page. ... (See also Similar Pages)

SALT HomePage
-- http://www.salt.org/ (Score 52, Size 6K)
Orlando Multimedia '96 . February 21-23, 1996 . Hyatt Orlando Hotel, Kissimmee, Florida . 14th Annual Conference and Exhibition on Interactive Instruction Delivery & Distance Learning ... (See also Similar Pages)

The Commonwealth of Learning - Communications and Information Technologies
-- http://www.col.org/cti.html (Score 52, Size 45K)
COL Home Page . The Commonwealth of Learning . Programme Updates . Communications and Information Technologies Brochure . Communications and Information Technologies . Introduction . ... (See also Similar Pages)

The Internet Training Workshop
-- http://www.le.ac.uk/CWIS/AS/CC/TU/RM/ccsmith.html (Score 52, Size 16K)
MAP-EXTRA: GUEST LECTURE . As we bring the Roadmap workshop to a close, I want to give you an opportunity to think about what role the Internet will play in education in the years to come. . I ... (See also Similar Pages)

California Pacific University
-- http://www.groupweb.com/cpu/cpu.htm (Score 51, Size 1K)
Distance Learning University Programs! . History . Council Approval . Degree Programs Available . California Postsecondary Education Commission Citation . College Equivalency Credits . Monthly ... (See also Similar Pages)

webdog's Ed Tech Resources
-- http://www.itec.sfsu.edu/edtech/edtech.html (Score 51, Size 5K)
Back to SFSU Instructional Technologies . webdog's Ed Tech . What is Educational/Instructional Technology? Well, webdog claims that it's any use of technology for learning or instruction. ... (See also Similar Pages)

Pete Riley's Multi Media Home Page
-- http://members.gnn.com/PeteRiley/riley.htm (Score 51, Size 4K)
Peter C. Riley, M.Ed. . Multi Media & Training Solutions . Welcome to Pete's home page. Please take some time to look around. This site is dedicated to providing training solutions and ... (See also Similar Pages)

IDE Readings Home Page
-- http://www.cde.psu.edu/de/ide/IDEReadings.html (Score 51, Size 2K)
with links to examples and resources... . Distance Education Theory & Issues . It is helpful to gain a general understanding of distance education as well as insight into different ... (See also Similar Pages)

About Learning at a Distance
-- http://www.det.mun.ca/dcs/distance.html (Score 51, Size 3K)
About Learning at a Distance . About Learning at a Distance . By registering for a distance education course you will join the millions of people in this country who are engaged in some form of ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning Week
-- http://www.usdla.org/dlweek.html (Score 51, Size 2K)
The United States Distance Learning Association has announced Distance Learning Week, March 17, - March 23, 1996, as a week of special recognition for the achievements, developments and ... (See also Similar Pages)

UW Distance & Continuing Education
-- http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infoded/prof.html (Score 51, Size 4K)
Distance Education Courses for the Professions . Arrangements are in place with various professional organizations to accept University of Waterloo Distance Education courses towards professional ... (See also Similar Pages)

Temporary UCF-AECT Web site
-- http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~ucf-aect/ (Score 51, Size 12K)
UCF . AECT . Web Page . temporary . information . Temporary information! . We have not gone away, even if our Web page has mysteriously vanished. As it turns out, when Pegasus (the host machine) ... (See also Similar Pages)

Excel Telecommunications - Linked to The Future!
-- http://users.aol.com/rngrgump/index.html (Score 51, Size 3K)
Excel Telecommunications . Excel provides the finest long distance pragrams in the U.S. today. In addition to the same high quality, fiber optic long distance service that the other companies ... (See also Similar Pages)

Index - CEDL
-- http://www.att.com/cedl/contents.html (Score 51, Size 6K)
AT&T's Center for Excellence in Distance Learning (CEDL) . Index . I. Our Purpose . II. Distance Learning Alliance . III. CEDL News . Press Release, June 12, 1995 . Press Release, October ... (See also Similar Pages)

Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning
-- http://www.uwex.edu/disted/distanceconf/deconf.html (Score 51, Size 6K)
August 7-9, 1996 . Holiday Inn West . Madison, Wisconsin . Theme: Designing for Active Learning . Session proposals due March 1, 1996 . The Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning is ... (See also Similar Pages)

Cherry Communications Long Distance
-- http://members.aol.com/fonesave/cherry/ (Score 51, Size 18K)
CHERRY COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED . Agent #40413 . Self Service Area . Prices . Getting Signed Up . States where you can get Cherry Service . Faxing Instructions . Articles . [ Home | Rates | ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://webster.commnet.edu/HP/pages/darling/journals.htm (Score 51, Size 17K)
The following list of Distance Education journals was put together by International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) and is used here with the Centre's permission and with the ... (See also Similar Pages)

A Radically Bottom-Up Approach: Tierra
-- http://alife.santafe.edu/alife/topics/simulators/dret/node11.html (Score 51, Size 10K)
A Radically Bottom-Up Approach: Tierra (See also Similar Pages)

USHE - Technology/Distance Education Initiative
-- http://www.utahsbr.edu/tech/intro.htm (Score 51, Size 3K)
Utah System . of . Higher Education . Technology . and . Distance Education . Initiative . | Recent Additions | Administration | Long Range Plan | . | Reports & Proposals | . | Resource ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.ucalgary.ca/~gwnichol/formeval/formeval.html (Score 51, Size 29K)
Comments would be greatly appreciated: . Greg Nichols . University of Calgary, . December 14, 1995 E-Mail: . gwnichol@acs.ucalgary.ca Home Page: . http://acs.ucalgary.ca/~gwnichol . Introduction ... (See also Similar Pages)

TI-IN Network
-- http://www.tiin.com/ (Score 51, Size 2K)
A division of Westcott Communications, Inc. . As America's leader in distance learning education, TI-IN brings you the largest selection of live, interactive, televised instruction for ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Education Resource Sites (WWW and Gopher)
-- http://miavx1.muohio.edu/~cedcwis/Distance_Ed_Index.htmlx (Score 51, Size 44K)
This page provides a listing of sites related to distance education and educational telecommunications topic areas or providers. While not intended to be comprehensive, it is regularly maintained ... (See also Similar Pages)

IITF CAT - Education
-- http://iitfcat.nist.gov:94/doc/Education.html (Score 51, Size 54K)
A Transformation of Learning: Use of the NII for Education and Lifelong Learning . DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT . Today, we have a dream for a different kind of superhighway that can save lives, ... (See also Similar Pages)

UHCL Courses
-- (Score 51, Size 12K)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY COURSES : . As Listed in UHCL 1994-1995 Catalog . INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE DESCRIPTIONS . PREREQUISITES . INST - Educational Applications of Technology . ... (See also Similar Pages)

USARI Technical Report 1234 . Effects of Field of View on Judgements ...
-- (Score 51, Size 49K)
of Self - Location: . Distance Estimations using Planview Representations as a Function of Observer Eye Station Points (ESP) and Geometric Field of View (FOVg) . Joseph Psotka U.S. Army Research ... (See also Similar Pages)

Warring, D., Johnson, D. W., Maruyama, G., & Johnson, R. (1985). Impact of ...
-- http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~rjmurdoc/cibio-db.html (Score 51, Size 155K)
Cognition and Instruction Bibliography . Compiled in partial completion of requirements for: . Cognition and Instruction (ESPY 5240) University of Colorado at Denver Summer 1995 (Brent Wilson - ... (See also Similar Pages)

Web Based Courses
-- http://nickel.ucs.indiana.edu/~smalikow/courses.html (Score 51, Size 21K)
This list was compiled by Steve Malikowski . [Online Universities] [Articles] [Books] [Web-Based Conferencing] [Clearinghouses] [Misc. Resources] . Since January, 1996, I've been researching ... (See also Similar Pages)

GSAMS Home Page
-- http://www.gactr.uga.edu/GSAMS/GSAMS.html (Score 51, Size 4K)
"No other state has invested as much in distance learning and telemedicine as has Georgia." -- Governor Zell Miller . GSAMS--Georgia Statewide Academic and Medical System--is the ... (See also Similar Pages)

Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference
-- http://www.mtsu.edu/~itconf/ (Score 51, Size 51K)
Conference Overview . Conference Agenda . Session Descriptions . Technology-Based Facilities . Support for Faculty . Distance Learning . Library Technology . Workshops . Electronic Poster ... (See also Similar Pages)

Academic Affairs
-- http://www.emporia.edu/S/www/acadaff/acadaff.htm (Score 51, Size 1K)
Division is to provide the highest quality instruction and related services to students of Emporia State University and the citizens of Kansas. Senior faculty provide instruction at all levels ... (See also Similar Pages)

Robert Parson
-- http://www.oise.on.ca/~rparson/index.html (Score 51, Size 8K)
Curriculum, Computer Applications . at the Ontario Institute . for Studies in Education . General OISE Info . General Information . I am an instructional designer with a great interest in ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning in GIS - A Summary in Progress
-- http://www.gisnet.com/gis/GIS_distance_learning.html (Score 51, Size 20K)
Distance Learning in GIS - A Summary in Progress . Distance Learning in GIS . Contents . Summary of Responses . General Information on Distance Learning in GIS . On-line Courses and Programs ... (See also Similar Pages)

PEACH: Links To Discussion Groups, Part 2
-- (Score 51, Size 14K)
PIKEVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL . Route 2, Box 3-B . Pikeville, Tennessee, 37367 U.S.A. . Phone: 423 447-2457 . HOME OF PEACH: . Pikeville Elementary Academic Computer Hub . Links To E-mail Addresses ... (See also Similar Pages)

What is DIAL?
-- http://dialnsa.edu/dial.html (Score 51, Size 8K)
Distance Instruction for Adult Learning (DIAL) . DIAL Academics . Interaction and Participation in Dial Courses . How a DIAL Course Works . Meet a Few DIAL Students . The DIAL Staff . Samples ... (See also Similar Pages)

Eastern Adult, Continuing, and Distance Education Research Conference
-- http://www.cde.psu.edu/C&I/East.AdultEducation.html (Score 51, Size 13K)
October 24-26, 1996 . The Penn State Scanticon Conference Center Hotel State College, Pennsylvania . a continuing and distance education of the College of Education . Call For Papers . A ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.nando.net/ads/gift/videos/v5206.htm (Score 51, Size 1K)
INSTRUCTION ON IMPROVING THE SWING PROPELLING THE BALL THOSE LONG DISTANCES. . This site has moved. Click below to enter the catalog. . . (See also Similar Pages)

Cursos en el Web
-- http://www.gdl.uag.mx/tecinst/online.htm (Score 51, Size 1K)
Analisis de Sistemas de Informacion . The Design & Delivery of Interactive Distance Instruction (proximamente la version en espanol) . Introduccion a la Ingenieria de Software . Desarrollando ... (See also Similar Pages)

EPD Brochure 6619 - Using Distance Education Techni
-- http://epdwww.engr.wisc.edu/brochures/6619.html (Score 51, Size 14K)
Department of Engineering Professional Development . College of Engineering . University of Wisconsin-Madison . Home | Courses | Contact Us for More Information | Brochures . Using Distance ... (See also Similar Pages)

Motor Control Laboratory
-- http://nmrc.bu.edu/mcl/ (Score 51, Size 12K)
Send us email . Gerald L. Gottlieb, Director . Qilai Song . Heather Abushanab . The motor control laboratory was established at Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago in 1969. It moved ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.onramp.net/edl/ (Score 51, Size 3K)
[ Satellite Systems ][ Preventive Maintenance ][ Station Programming ][ Digital Upgrades ] . Welcome to Educational Distance Learning . Our Mission . To provide opportunities in the Distance ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Education
-- http://www.outreach.umich.edu/pages/de_page.html (Score 51, Size 2K)
n. (dis`tans' ej'oo-ka`shn) Education via the communications media (correspondence, radio, television, and others) with little or no classroom or other face-to-face contact between ... (See also Similar Pages)

The Commonwealth of Learning - COMLEARN - JUNE 1995
-- http://www.col.org/cl0695.html (Score 51, Size 56K)
COL Home Page . The Commonwealth of Learning . COMLEARN . News Publication of The Commonwealth of Learning . June 1995 Vol. 6 No. 1 . Previous Editions of COMLEARN . October 1993 - Vol. 4 No. 1 . ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.csupomona.edu/nls/nlsmain.htm (Score 51, Size 1K)
DISTANCE LEARNING . California State Polytechnic University, Pomona . Cal Poly's distance learning efforts began in the campus' Distance Learning Center which is the oldest ... (See also Similar Pages)

a note from your host, ab006, 12MAR96: . This document, one of ...
-- http://ccn.cs.dal.ca/~ab006/cmc_ped.html (Score 51, Size 152K)
my favorites, has begun to receive the attention it deserves (so my stats tell me). While this is not surprising,, it is somewhat unanticipated. Please, drop into my guestbook and let me know a) ... (See also Similar Pages)

Interactive Remote Instruction Technology(IRIT)
-- http://www.cs.odu.edu/~tele/iri/index.html (Score 51, Size 6K)
Interactive Remote Instruction . Old Dominion University, Dept. of Computer Science . Interactive Remote Instruction . The IRI system emerged from the Interactive Remote Instruction Technology ... (See also Similar Pages)

Assiniboine: DENIM Centre
-- http://www.assiniboinec.mb.ca/denim/ (Score 51, Size 7K)
Assiniboine Community College . Employment Opportunity . The DENIM Centre is hiring. Look here. . Mission . To be a sustainable market driven centre of excellence ensuring the effective use of ... (See also Similar Pages)

Academic Assistance Clearinghouse
-- http://www.tamu.edu/aac/ (Score 51, Size 11K)
The Texas A&M Academic Assistance Clearinghouse provides a calendar of academic assistance programs and services which are available at no cost to students. Examples of assistance programs ... (See also Similar Pages)

Eastern's Division of Extended Programs
-- http://www.eosc.osshe.edu/~jhart/DEP.html (Score 51, Size 13K)
"Opportunities Right Where You Are" . Welcome to the home page for the Division of Extended Programs (DEP). This page contains information about degree and non-degree, credit and ... (See also Similar Pages)

TrueType Font Files
-- http://voyager.cns.ohiou.edu/~sadkins/web_library/fonts/font_specs/ (Score 51, Size 6K)
Version 1.00 . Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Microsoft Corporation. The software described in this document ... (See also Similar Pages)

The CPU and Memory
-- http://pclt.cis.yale.edu/pclt/pchw/CPUMEM.HTM (Score 51, Size 30K)
[Up] [Next] . 5 Jan 1996 . CPU and Memory Speed . Tell Me When it Hertz . Students are scattered in classrooms all over the school when a bell rings signaling the end of a period. Everyone gets ... (See also Similar Pages)

MONEYCARD Collector Special Feature
-- http://www.moneycard.com/moneycard/special.html (Score 51, Size 5K)
SPECIAL FEATURE . Using Modems with Phonecards . By Bill Peay . To access the Internet, or any computer bulletin board for that matter, you need to use a computer modem to place the call. If you ... (See also Similar Pages)

COL Home Page
-- http://www.col.org/techvoc.htm (Score 51, Size 22K)
The Commonwealth of Learning . Programme Updates . Technical/Vocational Education & Training . Introduction . Computer Awareness Project - Sri Lanka/Zambia . Technical/Vocational ... (See also Similar Pages)

The Air Charter Guide - Glossary
-- http://www.guides.com/acg/glossary.htm (Score 51, Size 7K)
Glossary . [ ACG Home | US Area Index | Int'l Area Index | US Operator Index | Int'l Operator Index ] . A collection of useful commercial aviation terminology. . Air way Distance: . The ... (See also Similar Pages)

# Netwise Homepage #
-- http://www.serix.com/~jdean/ (Score 51, Size 6K)
Harnessing the Internet's True Potential . Welcome to Netwise. We are a small company located in London, Ontario, offering support and instruction for both new and current Internet users. If ... (See also Similar Pages)

Developmental Mathematics 050
-- http://uafcde.uaflrb.alaska.edu/Catalog/Descriptions/Full/DEVM050.html (Score 51, Size 6K)
DEVM 050, Basic College Mathematics . Tuition $207 . 3 credits . Instructor: Van Veldhuizen . 16 Lessons, 3 Exams . WHAT IS INDEPENDENT LEARNING? . Texts and Materials $13 . Audiotape . Syllabus ... (See also Similar Pages)

No Title Provided
-- http://www.chem.lsu.edu/htdocs/conferences/copyright/lgnotes.txt (Score 51, Size 7K)

Indigenous Knowledge
-- http://www.cde.psu.edu/C&I/Indigenous.html (Score 51, Size 6K)
: . Its Role in the Academy . A Participatory Conference . April 26-27, 1996 . The Paul Robeson Cultural Center . University Park, Pennsylvania . a continuing and distance education service of ... (See also Similar Pages)

HTML document for the World Wide Web
-- http://www.amunet.edu/amu1.html (Score 51, Size 15K)
AMERICAN MILITARY UNIVERSITY . A DISTANCE EDUCATION SCHOOL OF MILITARY STUDIES . PROFILE OF AMERICAN MILITARY UNIVERSITY: . American Military University is an independent university, incorporated ... (See also Similar Pages)

Asynchronous Learning Networks
-- http://www.sloan.org/Education/ALN.new.html (Score 51, Size 8K)
: . Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Program in Learning Outside the Classroom . September 1, 1994 . A. FRANK MAYADAS . Program Officer . telephone: (212) 649-1649 . fax: (212) 757-5117 . email: ... (See also Similar Pages)

FREE - Lifetime Income!
-- http://members.gnn.com/rrogers/fci.htm (Score 51, Size 18K)
Make Money on the long distance phone calls of thousands of other people all over the U.S.A.... . Follow this link to learn about a special offer for you! . Finally, a RISK FREE way to build a ... (See also Similar Pages)

The Commonwealth of Learning - COMLEARN - November 1995
-- http://www.col.org/cl1095.htm (Score 51, Size 64K)
COL Home Page . The Commonwealth of Learning . COMLEARN . News Publication of The Commonwealth of Learning - November 1995 - Vol. 6 No. 2 . Previous Editions of COMLEARN . October 1993 - Vol. 4 ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.fhda.edu/foothill/FH_SCHED/W96_SCHED/W96AVIA.html (Score 51, Size 13K)
415/354-8390 . AVIA 51 PRIVATE PILOT BASIC GROUND SCHOOL -- 3 Units . PHASE 1 . Three hours lecture.Navigation phase of the private pilot (basic) ground school course required for the Federal ... (See also Similar Pages)

STK System Programs
-- http://www.halcyon.com/rbirley/stk/programs.html (Score 50, Size 18K)
Surveyors' Tool Kit: System Program Modules . COGO Solutions . Enter and Assign Coordinates - allows the operator to enter coordinates (N,E,Z) and assign a point number. . General ... (See also Similar Pages)

Central Piedmont Community College
-- http://www.cpcc.cc.nc.us/instruct.htm (Score 50, Size 1K)
CPCC Instructional Area (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://bbnet.vnet.net/world2/ (Score 50, Size 2K)
A complete advancement in the Telecommunications Industry This is the first opportunity to evolve that allows it's agent's the flexibility to: . Use the Service WORLDWIDE . Build a Global ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://x500.utexas.edu/phonebook/howto.html (Score 50, Size 4K)
EMERGENCY NUMBERS . UT Fire, Traffic & Security Services.............................................911 . Austin Police and Fire Department.........................................9-911 . UT ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.aic.nrl.navy.mil/galist/info/conferences/AAICG95.reg (Score 50, Size 47K)
Symposium: APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE COMPUTING IN GEOPHYSICS Sponsors: International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) Society of Exploration ... (See also Similar Pages)

Frederick the Great's Military Instruction
-- http://tetrad.stanford.edu/Frederick.html (Score 50, Size 160K)
was written between the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War and translated into English by Lieut.-Colonel T. Foster at the end of the 18th century. The dedication to Major ... (See also Similar Pages)

Distance Education Courses Offered in Another Institution's Service Area
-- http://miavx1.muohio.edu/~CEDCWIS/turf.html (Score 50, Size 24K)
DEOSNEWS Vol. 6 No. 2,ISSN 1062-9416. This document has about 494 lines. . Copyright 1996 DEOS - The Distance Education Online Symposium . DEOSNEWS has 3,924 subscribers in 64 countries. . The ... (See also Similar Pages)

SOS Educational Consultants
-- http://wchat.on.ca/sos.htm (Score 50, Size 3K)
DEDICATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONFIDENT INDEPENDENT LEARNERS . Our highly specialized, friendly and patient instructors provide assistance to students of all ages. Our youngest students are ... (See also Similar Pages)

Dr. E's Eclectic Compendium of Electronic Resources for Adult/Distance Education
-- http://www.oak-ridge.com/ierdrep1.html (Score 50, Size 14K)
Compiled by J. H. Ellsworth, Ph.D. . je@world.std.com . Updated: 1-July-1994 . Scheduled Update 28 February, 1995 . (C) 1994. This list may be distributed freely without my permission provided ... (See also Similar Pages)

-- http://www.serve.com/126ASSN/126cship.html (Score 50, Size 33K)
The1-26 Championships Rules 1996 . [Note: rules marked with an asterisk (*) indicate changes from 1995] . 1.0 ORGANIZATION These rules govern the 1-26 Championships. . 1.1 Rule changes may be ... (See also Similar Pages)

The Commonwealth of Learning - Pacific Region
-- http://www.col.org/pacreg.htm (Score 50, Size 31K)
COL Home Page . The Commonwealth of Learning . Programme Updates . Pacific Region . Introduction . Australia . Kiribati . Nauru . New Zealand . Papua New Guinea . Solomon Islands . Tonga . Tuvalu ... (See also Similar Pages)

Gaston & Gaston
-- http://www.gate.net/~gastons/ (Score 50, Size 8K)
Did you know that most adults pursue three or more careers during our working lives? . After gaining competence in our original vocations, we have to prepare for continuing employment by ... (See also Similar Pages)