Distance Learning


AT&T Center for Excellence in Distance Learning
(See also Similar Pages)

Alabama Distance Learning Association
(See also Similar Pages)

Alternative Delivery Initiative (University of Alberta, Canada)
(See also Similar Pages)

Apple America's Higher Education: Distance Learning
The Apple Virtual Campus "hurdles the barriers of time and space so that distance is no longer a factor in the instruction process." Information about Apple's products. (See also Similar Pages)

Archive of Usenet Group alt.education.distance
(See also Similar Pages)

Athabasca University (Alberta, Canada)
(See also Colleges & universities in Canada, Similar Pages)

College Without Walls (Houston Community College System, TX)
(See also Similar Pages)

CyberSchool (Eugene, OR)
(See also Similar Pages)

Distance Education Program (University of Louisville, KY)
(See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning (College of DuPage, IL)
(See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning (University of Washington Extension)
(See also Similar Pages)

Distance Learning on the Net
G. Hoyle's annotated bibliography of links to distance-learning resources on the Net. (See also Similar Pages)

European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
(See also Similar Pages)

Institute for Study of the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Classical education online for home-schooled high school students. (See also Home schooling, Education, Similar Pages)

Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication
Collects, organizes and presents information describing the Internet as well as computer-mediated communication technologies, applications, culture, discussion forums and bibliographies. (See also Human factors, Similar Pages)

New Jersey Institute of Technology Distance Learning
(See also Similar Pages)

Open Learning Agency (British Columbia)
(See also Community colleges in Canada, Similar Pages)

Open Learning Australia
(See also Similar Pages)

Open University of the Netherlands
(See also Colleges & universities in the Netherlands, Similar Pages)

Open University of the United Kingdom
(See also Colleges & universities in the United Kingdom, Similar Pages)

Open and Distance Learning: Critical Success Factors
(See also Similar Pages)

TEAMS Distance Learning (Los Angeles,CA County Office of Education)
(See also Similar Pages)

Teaching Teleapprenticeship Project, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(See also Teacher education, Similar Pages)

Technopark--The Distance Learning Laboratory of the University of Pereslavl (Russia)
(See also Similar Pages)

United States Sports Academy--Distance Learning (AL)
(See also Similar Pages)

Using WWW to Augment University Courses
(See also Similar Pages)

Virtual University
Part of the SmartStates initiative put forth by Western (U.S.) governors. (See also Academic outreach centers, Similar Pages)