3.2 WWW
"At one's own pace" is one of the important factors of learning mathematics . Students who can realtimedly follow a mathematics lesson, at least except the elementary school mathematics, are scarce. We could say they are peculiar. In order that one can understand a mathematical subject, one should be guaranteed sufficient time for consideration, together with well designed learning materials.
Internet technology brings us an environment where we can realize the "learning at one's own pace". That is, WWW.
Among such digital learning materials as one can learn at one's own pace, espetially repeat a hard point over and over, the most important are the CD-ROM and the WWW page. And each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.
For learners, CD-ROM is preferable to WWW pages from the point of contents quality. But in the case of CD-ROM, the interactivity is within the program. It is impossible for learners to ask a question and get an answer interactively (that is possible in the case of WWW).
For contents makers, WWW pages are much easier. In the case of CD-ROM, one is obliged to public the content in a perfect style to some degree. But, in the case of WWW pages, because the modification and the renewal are possible at any time, therefore one can start from the small and gradually increase the contents. Instead, file size of the contents is restricted to be small.