3.6 問題の受容





    (註) To have a problem implies (at least) that certain information is given to the problem solver:
      information about what is desired,
      under what conditions,
      by means of what tools and operations,
      starting with what initial imformation, and
      with access to what resources.
    The problem solver has an interpretation of this information ── exactly that interpretation which lets us label some part of it as goal, another part as side conditions, and so on. Consequently, if we provide a representation for this information (in symbol structures), and assume that the interpretation of these structures is implicit in the program of the problem solving IPS, then we have defined a problem.
    (Newell and Simon,1972,p.73)

    [Problem comprehension] involves at least two sub-stages: translation and internalization. Translation involves interpretation of the information the problem provides into terms which have meaning for the student. Internalization requires that the problem solver sort out the relevant information and determine how this information interrelates. Most importantly, this stage results in the formation of some sort of internal representation of the problem within the problem solver.This representation ... furnishes the student with a means of establishing goals or priorities for working on the problem. ... The accuracy of the problem solver's internal representation may increase as progress is made toward a solution.