Up Abstract Created : 2002-01-18
Modified: 2002-01-21

    Conforming a teacher-training course to new concepts of well-being

      Hideaki Miyashita* and Takako Fujimoto**

      *Mathematics Education, Iwamizawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education
      **Apparel Science, Iwamizawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education

        In this paper we discuss the necessity of conforming teacher-training courses to the change of concept of "well-being", and introduce a practice in our mathematics course.
        A kind of paradigm-shift of teacher-training course becomes our subject because of the striking change of social conditions/situation on which the teacher-training course depends. This "change" consists of such things as :

      informationalization, IT,
      Individualization, diversification,
      changing consumption patterns, customer-oriented,
      globalization, internationalization,
      destruction of traditional style of management,
      corporate restructuring, deregulation,
      changing consciousness of work force,
      changing employment patterns,
      personal training, skill-up, career-up,
      aging society.

        And here follows the change of the meaning of "well-being". It should include "adaptation of individual/organization to individuality/diversity -oriented society". And, accordingly, the ability to instruct this kind of "well-being" should be disciplined in teacher-training courses, because for the under-aged in schools it is their teachers who lead them to prepare for their future "economic and social well-being".

        The discipline/ability here aimed at should be business-oriented, or producer-oriented, rather than consumer-oriented, by the reason :

    1. Understanding producer-oriented stance is just necessary. - Indeed, the inquiry into a system of the society becomes deep, broad and minute when we take the standpoint of producer.
    2. "Producer-oriented" is compatible with "consumer-oriented". - Indeed, it is not the consumer but the producer who is really obliged to understand the consumer's activity.

        We make it our subject to conform the teacher-training course to new concepts of "well-being", and here we restrict the subject to the design of the mathematics course.
        The mathematics course in the teacher-training college is different from those in the department of science or engineering. Indeed, "generative and synthetic" is the epithet of the ability that this course aims at.
        The teaching method for this "generative and synthetic" consists of such elements as follows :

      Business-oriented, Production-oriented,
      Multi-view, Perspective View, Broad View,
      Design-centered Course, Creative Activity,
      Generative and Synthetical Understanding,
      Design-centered and Synthetical Instruction,
      IT-enabled Visual Aids for Effectiveness and Efficiency of Instruction/Learning,
      Best Use of Digital Power, and
      Web-based Self-learning System.

=============================================================== Presenter's information: Title: Conforming a Teacher-Training Course to New Concepts of Well-Being Paper Status: Accepted Presentation Type: Oral Theme: Economic And Social Well-Being Of Consumers And Families ===============================================================