Elements of Course Design

  • Course

  • Students

    • grade
    • number
    • experience
    • preparation
    • ability
    • disposition

  • Faculty

    • Traits, expertise, teaching skill, experience, knowledge, professionalism, dedication, commitment, loyalty, leadership, strategy, productive, rigorous

    • Constantly reviewing and improving the curriculum

    • Career guidance/counseling

    • Understanding about education/students :

      • Meaning is constructed, not prescribed.
      • All individuals have equal intrinsic worth.
      • All people have an innate desire to learn.
      • Every person has the potential to change and to bring about change.
      • Aversion to risk-taking stifles innovation and creativity.
      • Valuable learning results from both failing and succeeding.
      • All adults share responsibility for the well-being of all children.
      • Ability to discern and create connections is the essence of knowing.
      • Process of education is more than merely the accumulation of facts.

  • Facilities

    • classrooms
    • laboratory
    • computer/network facilities
    • presentation facilities
    • design studios
    • testing and evaluation facilities