Panel of chairpersons, ladies and gentlemen :
Mr./Madam Chairman, thank you for your introduction.
Ladies and gentlemen :
It's a pleasure to be here in Helsinki.
In this presentation,
We would like to propose a concept of "well-being"
which is adaptive to the new period.
And we describe an idea of
conforming teacher-training course to this well-being.
Finally, we report our practice in our teacher training course.
- We would like to start off by showing the context where
our subjects of "well-being" and "teacher training course"
are placed.
- The teacher training course is related to
the subject of "well-being" in a dual structure.
It trains college students so that
they will be "well" when they become teachers.
And this "well-being" implies that
they, in school education, bring, on their students, "well-being".
- We regard the "well-being" in the new period
is closely related to our ability for designing.
We simply call this ability "designer's ability".
- Thus, teacher training course should be conformed
to the new period, in such a form as "designer raising".
Here is the content we are to present.
- Firstly, we talk about the reason
by which we reach our current practice.
- The reasoning starts from our understanding
on the new situation in our country, Japan.
Then we consider
- the concept of "well-being" in this new stage,
- and the ability which realizes this "well-being".
We characterize the ability as "designer's ability".
- And we, as faculty in a teacher training college,
set up the subject of "math course for designer raising".
- Finally, we report our practice on "designer raising".
- Current situation in Japan is abstracted like this.
And it may be a global trend.
- Shift to Global Market Economy
- IT-Centered Rapid Progress of Technology
- Reinforcement of Competition Mechanism
- Accordingly, the conformation of our system to this situation
has been our problem.
That is,
- Deregulation
- Restructuring
- Promoting Venturist
- Raising Human Resource
- And the latter two,
"Promoting Venturist" and "Raising Human Resource"
are subjects the education concerns.
- Here we consider the concept of "well-being"
which is meaningful in the new situation.
- First of all, we regard "well-being" as a state of our self-affirmation.
- Then, we consider the elements, or conditions, of this self-affirmation.
- In this sequence, we focus these categories.
- And, in our practice, we especially focus
these categories colored red.
- Logical
- Speciality (that is, Math)
- IT Literacy
- Design
- Use of IT
- Here let us consider
the ability for being well in the new period.
We abstract it as "designer's ability".
- Indeed, a highly individuality/diversity-oriented,
and deregulated society is to come.
- In this situation,
our way of living depends on our "designer's ability".
- The "designer's ability" would be approached from two sides :
- Ability for being good producer :
That is, creating/developing "well-being" for others.
- And ability for being good consumer :
That is, creating/developing her/his own "well-being"
- Here we consider "designer" as
"person who can design total solution".
- In particular, "designer" implies "good problem solver".
- We would be interested in the condition for being designer,
with such viewpoints as,
- Obligation
- Trait/Ability
- Action
- Self-Development
but here, let us skip this subject to spare time.
- Now we show the logic by which the subject of
"Math Course for Designer Raising" is set.
- We reach the subject:
"To conform teacher training course to designer raising"
by the reason we previously described.
- This is the reason.
We won't repeat this.
Would you please just scan quickly?
- And, this is a rough, and not necessarily strict, inference
that deduces the proposition:
"Teacher training is designer raising"
Let us see.
- "Instruction design is Information design"
Thus, "Teacher is information designer"
"Teacher is planner of education"
Thus, "Teacher is project/enterprise/business designer"
"Teacher is instructor of 'well-being'"
Thus, "Teacher is 'well-being' designer"
Thus, "Teacher is designer"
- Since "Teacher is designer",
therefore "Teacher training is designer raising"
- Here we relate "designer's ability" with "math ability".
Indeed, we think that
Math ability is fundamental to designer's ability.
- Mathematical Sense/Ability is closely related
to the designer's ability.
- Here we list up some aspects of mathematical sense/ability.
Would you just scan?
You see that they are just elements of designer's ability.
- Here the subjects colored red are
those which we especially focus in this research.
- But, in fact, it is very difficult to express verbally
the relation between mathematical sense/ability and designer's trait.
We can feel the relation and confident of it,
but it is difficult to express it.
It remains as a kind of technical problem for us.
- And, from these two,
the subject of "Math Course for Designer Raising" follows.
- This is an abstract of
"Math Course for Designer Raising" we reached.
- This course is practice-oriented, or problem-solving- oriented.
- The learning is to act as
- Information designer
- Project designer
- Life-style designer
- And the general subjects to be learnt are such as these.
Would you please just scan quickly?
- Now, we will report our practice of "Designer Raising".
- Firstly, we report some development concerning
- Our web-based management, and
- Instruction style.
- There is some development about
- Classes for career course orientation
But, in the interest of time,
we are going to omit describing this subject.
- And finally, we report our practice
in math education classes.
- When we introduce "designer raising" as a new direction,
task increase on both faculty- and student-side.
Thus, the efficiency of class-management becomes our problem.
- Our solution is a web-based management system.
- It consists of :
- Database, and
- Teaching Contents
- We will briefly show
how the teaching contents are constructed and used.
- But, about the construction of the system,
we are going to omit describing, to spare time.
- We prepare two kinds of teaching contents:
- One is the self-teaching system for students
(it is a kind of web-based training system).
- And, teaching contents presented in
onsite instruction.
- And for each,
we intend to make good use of animation/movie.
- The self-teaching system for students
looks like this.
- In parallel with web-pages for self-teaching,
we have been making web-pages for the use of onsite instruction.
- As a practice of information design,
we aim at making good use of animation and movie.
(It seems that the plug-in for displaying QT-movie
is not installed.
Ok, let us skip this.)
As to the instruction style,
- Firstly, homepage-based self-teaching contents
are served for each class.
- And, the instruction style is decided according to class type.
Here are three types.
- Class where the students are many,
- Class where the students are not so many, and
- Seminar
- In the case of a class where the students are many,
- Homepage-based digital presentation
is the style of instruction.
- This is also an implicit demonstration of 'information design'.
- Homepage-based self-teaching system is
required in this case, too,
because instruction becomes rather quick
when digital presentation is its style.
- In the case of a class where the students are not so many,
- We are now testing
the homepage-based training style instruction.
Here the students are assigned
report making, in the form of homepage making.
- We evaluate:
- if they reach a subject(content)-understanding
aimed at in this stage.
- if they reach an information-design-ability
aimed at in this stage.
- Homepage-based self-teaching system is prepared for :
- Self-teaching on math subject.
- And, for self-teaching on computer/software operation
-- This is required because
report making is a work on computer.
- We have just talked about these two.
About the "seminar", we will talk in a moment later.
- Here are classes I am in charge as a math education expert.
- In the interest of time,
here we report only the seminar on math education.
- Our purpose in this class is to promote
student's self-development.
- Here are ability/skill we are aiming at, in this class.
Ability/skill for . . . .
- Math education
- Planning, practice, product-out
- Computer/media-literacy
- Digital contents making
- Presentation
- Web-based instruction
- Broadcast (TV/Radio)
- And for the purpose of student's self-development,
we assign students these tasks.
- The first three are in progress.
- To develop teaching material for web-based training.
- To undertake televised video instruction.
(That is, to make program and to perform.)
- And, to develop digital presentation skill.
- And the last two are in the planning stage.
- To challenge a project
- To perform an exhibition of works
- Students develop Web-based training material,
in the form of Flash movie.
- You can guess the subject of this page,
though the text is in Japanese.
It is the merit of mathematics and the visual image.
- Students are assigned to make and broadcast a program of
"Distance Learning via Communication Satellite",
which is presided by the Iwamizawa City.
Iwamizawa is the city our campus is located.
- This broadcast was done in February, this year.
- And my students ought to broadcast today, 8 hours ago.
I hope they were in successful.
- Now we close our presentation.
- The document used in this presentation was made
in the form of the homepage,
and you can access it with this address.
- Thank you very much for your kind attention.