The information system helps us to make a development in some sense, by bringing us in 'efficiency'. - Here I use the word "efficiency" to mean "increase of cost(/labor/time) v.s. effect(/benefit) ratio". That a job-performance is efficient means that it is cost-effective. In this sense, information system makes us more efficient at our jobs.
Efficiency (increase in cost/labor/time savings at information communication situations) is brought in such contrivances as : knowledge shared, communication standardized, job automation, elimination of duplicated efforts, transforming printed matters to digital documents (farewell to piles of printed matters), shift the burden of data entry from a personel to the end user, etc.
"Information-based organization" is the image of "efficient" organization. The ideal is that technology, by simplifying a particular task or set of tasks, makes life easier.
(The reality is not like this. "Easy life" a technology has once brought changes into a new phase of competitive life.)