Abstract Created : 2004-12-04
Updated: 2005-04-22

     First, the author explains the diversity of individuals as a premise or the very ground for design action. What we design is an organizational well-being after all. And the content of reaching an organizational well-being is shifting diverse individuals anew. Thus, what designer deeds is an organizational shift of diverse individuals. And, originally, the diversity of individuals is a determinant of life itself. The diversity of individuals is a moment (constituent element) of life. Being continually driven to become diverse is the meaning of 'life', in contrast to 'still'. The reason of diversity is organizational viability (cf. bio-diversity for species viability). Indeed, 'diversity' implies such advantages as multi-talent, resilience to trouble/crisis, etc.

     Then the author discusses the method of organization design from the standpoint of individuals-diversity-oriented design. Being compared/contrasted with the method of one-on-one, separate, or universal design, the key of individuals-diversity-oriented design is to regard individuals as ones that dynamically change. Here the designer will not respond to present individuals, but to dynamics of individuals. What the designer tries to create is a contrivance by which a dynamism of diverse individuals is brought about and, as outcome, an organizational well-being is reached.

     The author, as a professor of a teacher training college, practices individuals-diversity-oriented course/class design. Release of diversity is paired with control. Basic control is : (1) assigning task and setting goal to students and (2) evaluating students' achievement in progress. The extent of release depends on cases. The prime contrivances of the course/class design are the followings. (A) Space where diversity releases in such a way as individuality becomes apparent and contrasted one another. It is realized in the forms of (1) web site for students' learning activity and achievement display and (2) presentation of achievement. (B) Task-achieving (problem-solving) style of leaning, from which follows self-controlled learning activity as release of individuals diversity. (C) Self-contained structure of course/class with respect to the learning contents. It is required to produce (B). But, in this case, it becomes required to place a great deal of weight on student's self-teaching. The author solves this problem by constructing a web-based student's self-teaching milieu.

     Finally, the author proposes the 'web-based' as a potent means/solution for today's organization design, observing that we are still far from using the most of the power of 'web-based'. Indeed, the elements of the organization design as design of 'activation of indivuduals diversity' are : (1) as 'ground' - personal working space and sound knowledge base (this gives gravitation to the working space); (2) as 'action' - task-achievement type working and achievement demonstration/presentation. And 'web-based' becomes a solution for both of these.

Key words: organization design, diversity of individuals, release of diversity, individuals-diversity-oriented design, well-being, course/class design, teacher training course