Abstract Created : 2005-05-08
Updated: 2005-05-08

Meaning of 'Individuals Diversity' for Information-System-Design-as-Organization-Design,
and Significance of 'Web-based' as Design Solution

Hideaki Miyashita

Hokkaido University of Education, Iwamizawa Campus
Japan, m@iwa.hokkyodai.ac.jp

Information system design is organization design. 'Individuals diversity' is an essential issue at organization design in the sense that it is the moment of organization shift. Thus, organization design is the design of 'activation/release of individuals diversity'. Science/engineering of organization design, especially information system design, is regarded as a science/engineering of democracy.

Well-designed member education is requisite for activation/release of individuals diversity to take place. This education itself is conditioned by activation/release of individuals diversity.

Today, 'web-based' is a basic solution to activation/release of individuals diversity, and therefore to organization shift, information system shift, and member/user education.

Key words: information system design, organization design, diversity of individuals, member education, web-based