Up | Japanese Design and construction of database Created : 2003-07-01
Updated: 2003-08-05

Design and construction of database is very logical.
So, by my experience, I think that the structure of course-education-database is almost uniquely determined.

category class meaning record format
Non Annual
year This school year id (year), this_year (TRUE/FALSE)
Official homepage announce Public announcement SN, date, sender (staff id), message
visitor Visitor's comment/request SN, date, sender (nickname), message
job Job offer information SN, date, sender (staff id), information
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staff   id, pw, name, category (academic/general), department/section, personal information
instructor   id, pw, name, category (full/part-time, etc.), personal information
student Students newly-enrolled this year id, pw, name, category (regular, auditor, etc.), department/course, personal information
room Place of instruction (lecture room, etc.) id (name), information
Syllabus class   id (name), category, condition, content
class - instructor   class-instructor id pair
class - room   class-room id pair
Classwork class - student Members of the class class-student id pair, student's achivement record
class_announce Announce from instructor SN, date, sender (nickname), message
class_chat Request/question from student, students' chat SN, date, sender (nickname), message
Staff evaluation staff_achievement Past achievement staff id, achievement (paper, book, etc.)
Committee committee   id (name), information
committee - staff   committee-staff id pair
Official homepage url - staff Staff in charge of the page URL and staff id
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(SN : serial number)