Current Guidebook
4.1.5. Division


1-Excellent pupils
A school distributed 56 books among 4 pupils who won the excellent pupils contest. How many books did each pupil take?
    The number 56=5tens and .........units
    5 tens4=....ten and....tenis left
    Then, 164=.....So, each of the winners took ....books
    This could be witten as follows

and discusseing them about the solution of the example in this page.

56 4 number 56=5tens and 6 units
5 tens 4=1 ten and 1ten remainde, i.e. units becam 16 units
16 units4=4units

Then, 564=14, we can write this as follows:

And discusses with hem in the sam method the solution of the question number (1) page (18).

In grade 3 pupils studied dividing any number by 1-digit number, but in this lesson they learn how they divide any number by 2-digit number.
Time:4 periods Place: classroom
Instructional materials: blakbord, colore chalk, textbook, workbook.

*The goal of the lesson:

In the end of this lesson we rxpect that pupils will be able to do the following:

1-Dividing by 2-digit number easily.
2-Using division processe to solve arthmatic problems, which in need in to this.

*Steps of the lesson


-We give students some problems to divid any number by 1-digit number, for exampel 5055 and explaining division processe.
5 hundreds is divided by 5=1hundred
0 tens is divided by 5=0 tens
5units is divided by 5=1unit
So, it is:
505 5=101
, 1263
12 tens is divided by 3=4 tens
6 units is divided by 3=2 units
So, it is 1263=42

*Showing lesson: -Teacher asking the pupils to open textbook page(16),

And in the following prolems number:4,5,6,7,8 page(19) there are word problems of the life situations , the teacher must make sure that the puiples know the kind of the used process and the teasons of using , (It is noticed that puiples use division processe).
-Question number (4) page (19):
Number of floors in the hotel=20412=17
-Question number (5) page (19)It is better for the teacher when he discusses the solution ofthe problem mentioning to the pupils some touristic places in Egypt and the nesessary of tourism in Egypt, because it is very importand source of the national income.
And solution:Numbers of buses=67248=14
- Question number (6)page (19) the teacher can explain for his students the importance of the vaccination against the different diseases and the usfulness of the health and the protection is much better than treatment and the good mind beigin the good body, then leave students read the problem and discass them about the soluation by giving them the following questions:
*How can you calculate the number of children who vaccinated in one day?


22143 7566

72549 7928

221430 2457

418623 876618

798749 744024

191191 841545


76 tens is divided by 15 =5 tens and 1 ten remaind, 15 units is divided by 15-1 unit.
Then, 765 15=51
Then leave the pupils to solve the other parts of a question 1, and teacher follow up solutions of pupils, and corecting the mistakes at the same time.
and the right solutions of some parts of this question (1)are:

*What the number which if multiply in 4 tens then the product is 108 tens?
Then complet the division processe normal.

Too, this problem help you to confirmed of evaluation the goals of this lesson.
too,there are some word problems uding student to aplecation about what you learned in this unit in life stuation.and must be ateacher confirmed to knowing student type of processe.

*More activites
1-Find the product
2-Basem bought numbers of the cake piaces for PT 3600, if the much of one piace is PT150 ,How many numbers of piaces Basem bought?
And he bought two boxes of water,in one boxe there are 24 gelas each for PT35, How much two boxes?
*What is the processe which is used in calculating that?
-Number of children who vaccinated in one day=64010=64.
*How can you calculate the number of children who vaccinated in 8 days?
*What is the processe which is used in calculating that?
-Number of children who vaccinated in 8 days=648=512. -Question number (7) page(19):
-The teacher have to explain for the students the traffic rules and asking them to keepit, keeping the rules of the traffic show the devlopment and the civilization of the nations , and the famage that we can face in case of unkeeping it.
The policeman callected=LE63=PT 6300
Number of people didn't follow trafficrules=6300525=12

No doubt that you will notic during following up your students in solving the problems in the textbook , a big diffrant ammong students in theis abilities and understanding of the lesson,SO, you find in the workbook pages(26,27 and 28) more problems which help you to develope the skiles of division processe in the pupil, wheat her by directmethod or indirect method, for ex:
_Question number (2) page (28) in the workbook part 3.
-Discusse pupils by giving them the following questions:



22143 7566
72549 7928
221430 2457
418623 876618
798749 744024
191191 841545

