
Scenario of Instruction

of Process
by Instructor
Action of pupil Action
Expected reaction
from pupil
Separate care
for individuals
what were learnt in the previous lessons
. Recall what were learnt in the previous lessons Whole . . .
Have the problem "The juce of 3.9 dl is shared equally by three persons. What dl of juce does each take ?" Have the problem Whole . . .
the problem
. Understand the problem. Whole "shared equallymeans division." If "division" does not take place, illustration is used. Whether pupil understand the problem.
. Make a number expression. "3.9 3" .
. Notice what is new.
Understand the subject.
"Not the case of interger integer,but decimal integer." .
"Let us think out the solution of 3.9 3 Estimate the solution. Whole "1"
"Between 1 and 2"
Pupil who cannot estimate is prompted to find what is applicable from items they have already learned. Whether pupil can make their own estimation.
the plan
. Practice one's own solution.

Write the way in the working paper.

Think out other ways, while time permits.
(1) 3.9 is 0.1 multiplied by 39.
0.1 multiplied by 39 devided 3 is 0.1 multiplied by (393), which is 0.1 multiplied by 13, or 1.3.
Thus, 1.3 litter is the solution.

(2) 3.9 divided by 3 is 3 divided by 3 plus 0.9 divided by 3., which is 1 plus 0.3, or 1.3.
Thus, 1.3 litter is the solution.

(3) Using the algorithm of division.

Thus, 1.3 litter is the solution.

(4) 3.9 divided by 3 is 3.9 multiplied by 10, divided by 3, and divided by 10..
3.9 x 10 = 39, 39 3 = 13, 13 10 = 1.3
Thus, 1.3 litter is the solution.
Pupil who can get a clue of solution are prompted to think out a variety of ways.

Pupil who cannot get a clue of solution are given hints.

Give pictorial illustration in the working paper.

If the algorithm of division is one of those which pupil answer, it is suspended as a subject discussed in the next stage.
Whether pupil can practice their own solution.

Whether pupil work enthusiastically.
Control pupil's activity so that they choose the solution of type (1). Show solutions Whole Show one's own solutions.

Discuss on each solution.

Choose the solution of type (1) as the conclusion :

"3.9 is 0.1 multiplied by 39.
0.1 multiplied by 39 devided 3 is 0.1 multiplied by (393), which is 0.1 multiplied by 13, or 1.3.
Thus, 1.3 litter is the solution."
Let pupil use papers for practical division manipulation.

Let pupil show their solutions in their own expression.

Let each pupil think to which solution her/his solution is similar.

Explain by using pictorial illustration.

Let pupil dispose (2) by introducing 4.5 3.

If (1) does not come from pupil, determine (2) to be the solution, and then develop it to (1).
Whether pupil can express their idea in their own way.
Determine the solution Generalize the solution to a form :
"decimalinteger is solved in the same way as integerinteger by taking 0.1 as base."
Generalize the solution Whole decimalinteger is solved in the same way as integerinteger by taking 0.1 as base. Write a conclusion on the blackboard. .
Give exercises:
2.6 2
4.8 4
9.6 3
Do given exercises. Indi-
Make solutions. Let pupil take 0.1 as the base. Whether pupil solve problems of similar type of 3.9 3.
the lesson
. Review the lesson Whole . . .