Up HTML Lesson Created : 1998-03-14
Updated: 1998-06-01

  1. HTML Documents

    1. HTML file
    2. Editor
    3. Browser

  2. HyperText Construction

    1. HyperText Structure
    2. Page Link (<a href=" .... ">)
    3. Rule of Directory Construction
    4. How to make Directory Tree
    5. Remarks on File-Naming

  3. PageMaking : Frame

    1. HTML Document Format
    2. Title (<title>)
    3. Background color (<body bgcolor= .... >)

  4. PageMaking : Layout

    1. Newline (<br>)
    2. Center (<center>)
    3. Indent (<ul>)
    4. List (<ul>, <li type= .... >)
    5. Ordered list (<ol type= .... >, <li>)
    6. Table (<table border= .... >, <tr>, <td>)

  5. PageMaking : Character Formatting

    1. Character size/color (<font size= .... color= ....>)
    2. Character type (<b>, <i>)

  6. PageMaking : Color

  7. PageMaking : Inline Images

    1. Making image files ( xxxxx.gif , xxxxx.jpg)
    2. Inline images (<img src=" .... ">,)
    3. Image button (<a href=" .... ">,)

  8. Clickable Map

  9. Homepage technique

    1. Studying existing html documents as samples