Progress - Units
Primary 1

Unit Subunit what why how eval Hours
subj plac goal subu plan prac
1. Sets 1.Sets 1 8 8
2. Numbers from 1 to 10 1.The numbers 1,2 and 3 . 4 28
2. The numbers 4,5 and 6 . 4
3. The numbers 7,8 abd 9 . 4
4. Putting numbers in order from 1 to 9 . 4
5. The number zero . 4
6. The number ten . 4
7. The signs <, = or > . 4
3. Adding up to ten 1.Using the addition sign(+) 5 4 28
2. Addin g up to 10 5 8
3. Families of numbers up to 10 5 16
4. Subtracting up to ten 1.Using the sign (-) 4 . 4 20
2. Subtracting up to 10 7 4
3. The relation between subtraction and addition 5 12
5. Units and Tens 1.Perfect tens . 12 24
2. Order of numbers . 4
3. The family of a number in form of units and tens . 8
6. Adding and Subtracting up to 99 1.Adding up to 99 . 8 24
2. Subtracting up to 99 . 16
7. Geometry
and fractions
1. Solid 4 . 16 28
2. Geometric shapes 2 . 8
3. Half and Quarter . . . . . . . . 4