Up | GPU情報の取得 (vcgencmd) | 作成: 2021-03-07 更新: 2021-03-07 |
$ sudo vcgencmd get_mem gpu gpu=512M
$ sudo vcgencmd -h 以下,https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/raspbian/applications/vcgencmd.md から引用 vcgencmd
The source for the application can be found on our github page here. UsageTo get a list of all the commands that Some of the more useful commands are described below. CommandsvcosThe
versionDisplays the build date and version of the firmware on the VideoCore. get_cameraDisplays the enabled and detected state of the official camera. 1 means yes, 0 means no. Whilst all firmware (except cutdown versions) will support the camera, this support needs to be enabled by using raspi-config. get_throttledReturns the throttled state of the system. This is a bit pattern - a bit being set indicates the following meanings:
A value of zero indicates that none of the above conditions is true. To find if one of these bits has been set, convert the value returned to binary, then number each bit along the top. You can then see which bits are set. For example:
Adding the bit numbers along the top we get:
From this we can see that bits 18 and 16 are set, indicating that the Pi has previously been throttled due to under-voltage, but is not currently throttled for any reason. Alternately, the values can be derived using the hex values above, by successively subtracting the largest value:
measure_tempReturns the temperature of the SoC as measured by the on-board temperature sensor. measure_clock [clock]This returns the current frequency of the specified clock. The options are:
e.g. measure_volts [block]Displays the current voltages used by the specific block.
otp_dumpDisplays the content of the One Time Programmable (OTP) memory, which is part of the SoC. These are 32 bit values, indexed from 8 to 64. See the OTP bits page for more details. get_mem typeReports on the amount of memory allocated to the ARM cores Note: On a Raspberry Pi 4 with greater than 1GB of RAM, the codec_enabled [type]Reports whether the specified CODEC type is enabled. Possible options for type are AGIF, FLAC, H263, H264, MJPA, MJPB, MJPG, MPG2, MPG4, MVC0, PCM, THRA, VORB, VP6, VP8, WMV9, WVC1. Those highlighted currently require a paid for licence (see the FAQ for more info), except on the Pi4, where these hardware codecs are disabled in preference to software decoding, which requires no licence. Note that because the H265 HW block on the Raspberry Pi4 is not part of the VideoCore GPU, its status is not accessed via this command. get_config type | nameThis returns all the configuration items of the specified type that have been set in config.txt, or a single configuration item. Possible values for type parameter are int, str, or simply use the name of the configuration item. get_lcd_infoDisplays the resolution and colour depth of any attached display. mem_oomDisplays statistics on any Out Of Memory events occuring in the VC4 memory space. mem_reloc_statsDisplays statistics from the relocatable memory allocator on the VC4. read_ring_oscReturns the curent speed voltage and temperature of the ring oscillator. hdmi_timingsDisplays the current HDMI settings timings. See Video Config for details of the values returned. dispmanx_listDump a list of all dispmanx items currently being displayed. display_power [0 | 1 | -1] [display]Show current display power state, or set the display power state. Note that for the 7" Raspberry Pi Touch Display this simply turns the backlight on and off. The touch functionality continues to operate as normal.
To determine if a specific display ID is on or off, use -1 as the first parameter.