Up di_i2c.py 作成: 2021-04-11
更新: 2021-04-11

# https://www.dexterindustries.com # # Copyright (c) 2019 Dexter Industries # Released under the MIT license (http://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/). # For more information see https://github.com/DexterInd/DI_Sensors/blob/master/LICENSE.md # # Python I2C drivers from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import time import di_mutex # Enabling one of the communication libraries # This is not meant to change on a regular basis # If Periphery doesn't work for you, uncomment either pigpio or smbus #RPI_1_Module = "pigpio" #RPI_1_Module = "smbus" RPI_1_Module = "periphery" if RPI_1_Module == "pigpio": import pigpio elif RPI_1_Module == "smbus": import smbus elif RPI_1_Module == "periphery": from periphery import I2C else: raise IOError("RPI_1 module not supported") class DI_I2C(object): """ Dexter Industries I2C drivers for hardware and software I2C busses """ def __init__(self, bus, address, big_endian = True): """Initialize I2C Keyword arguments: bus -- The I2C bus: "RPI_1" - RPi hardware I2C "RPI_1SW" - RPi software I2C "GPG3_AD1" - GPG3 AD1 software I2C "GPG3_AD2" - GPG3 AD2 software I2C address -- the slave I2C address. Formatted as bits 0-6, not 1-7. big_endian (default True) -- Big endian? """ if bus == "RPI_1": self.bus_name = bus if RPI_1_Module == "pigpio": self.i2c_bus = pigpio.pi() self.i2c_bus_handle = None elif RPI_1_Module == "smbus": self.i2c_bus = smbus.SMBus(1) elif RPI_1_Module == "periphery": self.bus_name = bus self.i2c_bus = I2C("/dev/i2c-1") elif bus == "RPI_1SW": self.bus_name = bus self.i2c_bus = DI_I2C_RPI_SW() elif bus == "GPG3_AD1" or bus == "GPG3_AD2": self.bus_name = bus self.gopigo3_module = __import__("gopigo3") self.gpg3 = self.gopigo3_module.GoPiGo3() if bus == "GPG3_AD1": self.port = self.gpg3.GROVE_1 elif bus == "GPG3_AD2": self.port = self.gpg3.GROVE_2 self.gpg3.set_grove_type(self.port, self.gpg3.GROVE_TYPE.I2C) time.sleep(0.01) elif bus == "BP3_1" or bus == "BP3_2" or bus == "BP3_3" or bus == "BP3_4": self.bus_name = bus self.brickpi3_module = __import__("brickpi3") self.bp3 = self.brickpi3_module.BrickPi3() if bus == "BP3_1": self.port = self.bp3.PORT_1 elif bus == "BP3_2": self.port = self.bp3.PORT_2 elif bus == "BP3_3": self.port = self.bp3.PORT_3 elif bus == "BP3_4": self.port = self.bp3.PORT_4 self.bp3.set_sensor_type(self.port, self.bp3.SENSOR_TYPE.I2C, [0, 0]) time.sleep(0.01) else: raise IOError("I2C bus not supported") self.mutex = di_mutex.DI_Mutex(name = ("I2C_Bus_" + bus)) self.set_address(address) self.big_endian = big_endian def reconfig_bus(self): """Reconfigure I2C bus Reconfigure I2C port. If the port configuration got reset, call this method to reconfigure it.""" if self.bus_name == "GPG3_AD1" or self.bus_name == "GPG3_AD2": self.gpg3.set_grove_type(self.port, self.gpg3.GROVE_TYPE.I2C) def set_address(self, address): """Set I2C address Keyword arguments: address -- the slave I2C address""" self.address = address if self.bus_name == "RPI_1" and RPI_1_Module == "pigpio": if self.i2c_bus_handle: self.i2c_bus.i2c_close(self.i2c_bus_handle) self.i2c_bus_handle = self.i2c_bus.i2c_open(1, address, 0) def transfer(self, outArr, inBytes = 0): """Conduct an I2C transfer (write and/or read) Keyword arguments: outArr -- list of bytes to write inBytes (default 0) -- how many bytes to read Returns list of bytes read""" # Make sure all bytes are in the range of 0-255 for b in range(len(outArr)): outArr[b] &= 0xFF # type cast to int to ensure compatibility inBytes = int(inBytes) self.mutex.acquire() # acquire the bus mutex return_val = None try: if self.bus_name == "RPI_1": if RPI_1_Module == "pigpio": if(len(outArr) >= 2 and inBytes == 0): self.i2c_bus.i2c_write_i2c_block_data(self.i2c_bus_handle, outArr[0], outArr[1:]) elif(len(outArr) == 1 and inBytes == 0): self.i2c_bus.i2c_write_byte(self.i2c_bus_handle, outArr[0]) elif(len(outArr) == 1 and inBytes >= 1): return_val = self.i2c_bus.i2c_read_i2c_block_data(self.i2c_bus_handle, outArr[0], inBytes) elif(len(outArr) == 0 and inBytes >= 1): return_val = self.i2c_bus.i2c_read_byte(self.i2c_bus_handle) else: raise IOError("I2C operation not supported") elif RPI_1_Module == "smbus": if(len(outArr) >= 2 and inBytes == 0): self.i2c_bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.address, outArr[0], outArr[1:]) elif(len(outArr) == 1 and inBytes == 0): self.i2c_bus.write_byte(self.address, outArr[0]) elif(len(outArr) == 1 and inBytes >= 1): return_val = self.i2c_bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, outArr[0], inBytes) elif(len(outArr) == 0 and inBytes == 1): return_val = self.i2c_bus.read_byte(self.address) else: raise IOError("I2C operation not supported") elif RPI_1_Module == "periphery": # for repeated starts # seems to fail regularly. RPi does not recognize clock stretching during repeated starts. #msgs = [] #offset = 0 #if(len(outArr) > 0): # msgs.append(self.i2c_bus.Message(outArr)) # offset = 1 #if(inBytes): # r = [0 for b in range(inBytes)] # msgs.append(self.i2c_bus.Message(r, read = True)) #if(len(msgs) >= 1): # self.i2c_bus.transfer(self.address, msgs) #if(inBytes): # return msgs[offset].data # for independent messages (no repeated starts) # there is a small delay between messages, but it doesn't fail to recognize clock stretching between the messages if(len(outArr) > 0): msg = [self.i2c_bus.Message(outArr)] self.i2c_bus.transfer(self.address, msg) if(inBytes): r = [0 for b in range(inBytes)] msg = [self.i2c_bus.Message(r, read = True)] self.i2c_bus.transfer(self.address, msg) return_val = msg[0].data elif self.bus_name == "RPI_1SW": return_val = self.i2c_bus.transfer(self.address, outArr, inBytes) elif self.bus_name == "GPG3_AD1" or self.bus_name == "GPG3_AD2": try: return_val = self.gpg3.grove_i2c_transfer(self.port, self.address, outArr, inBytes) except self.gopigo3_module.I2CError: raise IOError("[Errno 5] Input/output error") elif self.bus_name == "BP3_1" or self.bus_name == "BP3_2" or self.bus_name == "BP3_3" or self.bus_name == "BP3_4": try: return_val = self.bp3.i2c_transfer(self.port, self.address, outArr, inBytes) except self.brickpi3_module.I2CError: raise IOError("[Errno 5] Input/output error") except: self.mutex.release() # release the bus mutex before raising the exception raise # raise the exception for user-code to deal with self.mutex.release() # release the bus mutex return return_val # return data (if read) def write_8(self, val): """Write an 8-bit value Keyword arguments: val -- byte to write""" val = int(val) self.transfer([val]) def write_reg_8(self, reg, val): """Write an 8-bit value to a register Keyword arguments: reg -- register to write to val -- byte to write""" val = int(val) self.transfer([reg, val]) def write_reg_16(self, reg, val, big_endian = None): """Write a 16-bit value to a register Keyword arguments: reg -- register to write to val -- data to write big_endian (default None) -- True (big endian), False (little endian), or None (use the pre-defined endianness for the object)""" val = int(val) if big_endian == None: big_endian = self.big_endian if big_endian: self.transfer([reg, ((val >> 8) & 0xFF), (val & 0xFF)]) else: self.transfer([reg, (val & 0xFF), ((val >> 8) & 0xFF)]) def write_reg_32(self, reg, val, big_endian = None): """Write a 32-bit value to a register Keyword arguments: reg -- register to write to val -- data to write big_endian (default None) -- True (big endian), False (little endian), or None (use the pre-defined endianness for the object)""" val = int(val) if big_endian == None: big_endian = self.big_endian if big_endian: self.transfer( [reg, ((val >> 24) & 0xFF), ((val >> 16) & 0xFF), ((val >> 8) & 0xFF), (val & 0xFF)]) else: self.transfer([reg, (val & 0xFF), ((val >> 8) & 0xFF), ((val >> 16) & 0xFF), ((val >> 24) & 0xFF)]) def write_reg_list(self, reg, list): """Write a list of bytes to a register Keyword arguments: reg -- regester to write to list -- list of bytes to write""" arr = [reg] arr.extend(list) self.transfer(arr) def read_8(self, reg = None, signed = False): """Read a 8-bit value Keyword arguments: reg (default None) -- Register to read from or None signed (default False) -- True (signed) or False (unsigned) Returns the value """ # write the register to read from? if reg != None: outArr = [reg] else: outArr = [] val = self.transfer(outArr, 1) value = val[0] # signed value? if signed: # negative value? if value & 0x80: value = value - 0x100 return value def read_16(self, reg = None, signed = False, big_endian = None): """Read a 16-bit value Keyword arguments: reg (default None) -- Register to read from or None signed (default False) -- True (signed) or False (unsigned) big_endian (default None) -- True (big endian), False (little endian), or None (use the pre-defined endianness for the object) Returns the value """ # write the register to read from? if reg != None: outArr = [reg] else: outArr = [] val = self.transfer(outArr, 2) if big_endian == None: big_endian = self.big_endian # big endian? if big_endian: value = (val[0] << 8) | val[1] else: value = (val[1] << 8) | val[0] # signed value? if signed: # negative value? if value & 0x8000: value = value - 0x10000 return value def read_32(self, reg = None, signed = False, big_endian = None): """Read a 32-bit value Keyword arguments: reg (default None) -- Register to read from or None signed (default False) -- True (signed) or False (unsigned) big_endian (default None) -- True (big endian), False (little endian), or None (use the pre-defined endianness for the object) Returns the value """ # write the register to read from? if reg != None: outArr = [reg] else: outArr = [] val = self.transfer(outArr, 4) if big_endian == None: big_endian = self.big_endian # big endian? if big_endian: value = (val[0] << 24) | (val[1] << 16) | (val[2] << 8) | val[3] else: value = (val[3] << 24) | (val[2] << 16) | (val[1] << 8) | val[0] # signed value? if signed: # negative value? if value & 0x80000000: value = value - 0x100000000 return value def read_list(self, reg, len): """Read a list of bytes from a register Keyword arguments: reg -- Register to read from or None len -- Number of bytes to read Returns a list of the bytes read""" # write the register to read from? if reg != None: outArr = [reg] else: outArr = [] return self.transfer(outArr, len) import wiringpi import atexit class DI_I2C_RPI_SW(object): """Dexter Industries I2C bit-bang drivers for the Raspberry Pi""" ''' Currently the bus runs at about 100kbps. Tested with an RPi 3B+ with minimal CPU load. Code for using RPi.GPIO for GPIO control # setup GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # set up the GPIO with BCM numbering GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.IN) # set SDA pin as input GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.IN) # set SCL pin as input GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.IN) # SCL High GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.OUT) # SCL Low GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.IN) # SDA High GPIO.setup(2, GPIO.OUT) # SDA Low GPIO.input(3) # SCL Read GPIO.input(2) # SDA Read Code for using wiringpi for GPIO control # setup wiringpi.wiringPiSetupGpio() wiringpi.pinMode(2, 0) # set SDA pin as input wiringpi.pinMode(3, 0) # set SCL pin as input wiringpi.digitalWrite(2, 0) wiringpi.digitalWrite(3, 0) wiringpi.pinMode(3, 0) # SCL High wiringpi.pinMode(3, 1) # SCL Low wiringpi.pinMode(2, 0) # SDA High wiringpi.pinMode(2, 1) # SDA Low wiringpi.digitalRead(3) # SCL Read wiringpi.digitalRead(2) # SDA Read wiringpi.pinModeAlt(2, 4) # restore ALT0 functionality on SDA pin wiringpi.pinModeAlt(3, 4) # restore ALT0 functionality on SCL pin ''' SUCCESS = 0 ERROR_NACK = 1 ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT = 2 ERROR_DATA_STRETCH_TIMEOUT = 3 ERROR_DATA_AND_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT = 4 INPUT = 0 OUTPUT = 1 # timeout if stretched for more than this long (in seconds) STRETCH_TIMEOUT = 0.001 BusActive = False def __init__(self): """ Initialize """ # set up the GPIO with BCM numbering wiringpi.wiringPiSetupGpio() # Register the exit method atexit.register(self.__exit_cleanup__) # register the exit method def __set_gpio_pins__(self): """ Set pins as GPIO """ self.BusActive = True wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # set SCL pin as input wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # set SDA pin as input def __restore_gpio_pins__(self): """ Restore HW I2C functionality on GPIO pins 2 & 3 """ wiringpi.pinModeAlt(3, 4) # restore ALT0 functionality on SCL pin wiringpi.pinModeAlt(2, 4) # restore ALT0 functionality on SDA pin self.BusActive = False def __exit_cleanup__(self): """ Called at exit to clean up """ if self.BusActive: self.__restore_gpio_pins__() def transfer(self, addr, outArr, inBytes): """ Write and/or read I2C """ self.__set_gpio_pins__() if(len(outArr) > 0): # bytes to write? if self.__write__(addr, outArr, inBytes) != self.SUCCESS: self.__restore_gpio_pins__() raise IOError("[Errno 5] Input/output error") if(inBytes > 0): # read bytes? result, value = self.__read__(addr, inBytes) self.__restore_gpio_pins__() if result != self.SUCCESS: raise IOError("[Errno 5] Input/output error") return value else: self.__restore_gpio_pins__() def __delay__(self): """ Delay called for slowing down the I2C clock to around 100kbps """ #time_start = time.time() #while (time.time() - time_start) < 0.000005: # pass #time.sleep(0.000005) pass # Already enough time overhead. Return ASAP. def __scl_high_check__(self): """ Allow SCL to go high, and wait until it's high. Timeout. """ wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # SCL High if not wiringpi.digitalRead(3): # SCL Read return self.__scl_check_timeout__() return self.SUCCESS def __scl_check_timeout__(self): """ Wait until SCL is high, and timeout if it takes too long """ time_start = time.time() while not wiringpi.digitalRead(3): # SCL Read if (time.time() - time_start) > self.STRETCH_TIMEOUT: return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT # timeout waiting for SCL to go high #self.__delay__() # SCL is already high, just make sure it's high enough return self.SUCCESS def __sda_high_check__(self): """ Allow SDA to go high, and wait until it's high """ wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High result = 0 time_start = time.time() while not wiringpi.digitalRead(2): # SDA Read if time.time() - time_start > self.STRETCH_TIMEOUT: return self.ERROR_DATA_STRETCH_TIMEOUT # timeout waiting for SDA to go high #self.__delay__() # SDA is already high, just make sure it's high enough return self.SUCCESS def __write__(self, addr, outArr, restart = False): """ Write bytes """ outBuffer = [(addr << 1)] # left-shift I2C address and clear read bit outBuffer.extend(outArr) # outBuffer now contains the address and outArr self.__start__() # issue bus start for b in range(len(outBuffer)): # for each byte result = self.__write_byte__(outBuffer[b]) # write the byte if result != self.SUCCESS: # if an error if result == self.ERROR_NACK: # if NACK self.__stop__() else: # other error. Probably ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # SCL High wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High return result # return error if restart: # if a read is immediately following, issue a restart # SDA high then SCL high, with provisions for timeout if self.__sda_high_check__(): if self.__scl_high_check__(): return self.ERROR_DATA_AND_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT return self.ERROR_DATA_STRETCH_TIMEOUT if self.__scl_high_check__(): return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT #self.__start__() # This doesn't seem to be necessary # issue bus start return self.SUCCESS else: return self.__stop__() # issue bus stop def __read__(self, addr, inBytes): """ Read bytes """ addr = (addr << 1) | 0x01 # left-shift I2C address and set read bit inBuffer = [] self.__start__() # issue bus start result = self.__write_byte__(addr) # write the address and read bit if result != self.SUCCESS: # check for error if result == self.ERROR_NACK: # if NACK self.__stop__() else: # other error. Probably ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # SCL High wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High return result, inBuffer for b in range(inBytes): # for each byte to read result, value = self.__read_byte__((inBytes - 1) - b) # read a byte, and ack all except the last if result != self.SUCCESS: # check for error wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # SCL High wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High return result, inBuffer # return error inBuffer.append(value) # append the read byte to inBuffer result = self.__stop__() # issue bus stop return result, inBuffer # return the read byte array def __start__(self): """ Issue bus start sequence """ wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.OUTPUT) # SDA Low self.__delay__() def __stop__(self): """ Issue bus stop sequence """ wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.OUTPUT) # SDA Low self.__delay__() # SCL high then SDA high, with provisions for timeout if self.__scl_high_check__(): if self.__sda_high_check__(): return self.ERROR_DATA_AND_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT if self.__sda_high_check__(): return self.ERROR_DATA_STRETCH_TIMEOUT return self.SUCCESS def __write_byte__(self, val): """ Write a byte """ for b in range(8): wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.OUTPUT) # SCL Low if (0x80 >> b) & val: wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High else: wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.OUTPUT) # SDA Low #self.__delay__() wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # SCL High if not wiringpi.digitalRead(3): # SCL Read if self.__scl_check_timeout__(): return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT #self.__delay__() wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.OUTPUT) # SCL Low wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High self.__delay__() if self.__scl_high_check__(): return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT result = self.SUCCESS if wiringpi.digitalRead(2): # SDA Read. check for ACK result = self.ERROR_NACK wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.OUTPUT) # SCL Low return result def __read_byte__(self, ack): """ Read a byte """ wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.INPUT) # SDA High data = 0 wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.OUTPUT) # SCL Low for b in range(8): self.__delay__() wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.INPUT) # SCL High if not wiringpi.digitalRead(3): # SCL Read if self.__scl_check_timeout__(): return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT if wiringpi.digitalRead(2): # SDA Read data |= (0x80 >> b) #self.__delay__() wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.OUTPUT) # SCL Low if ack != 0: # send ack? wiringpi.pinMode(2, self.OUTPUT) # SDA Low else: self.__delay__() if self.__scl_high_check__(): return self.ERROR_CLOCK_STRETCH_TIMEOUT, 0 wiringpi.pinMode(3, self.OUTPUT) # SCL Low return self.SUCCESS, data