Up 障害物回避 作成: 2021-06-12
更新: 2021-06-12

    $ source ./venv/bin/activate
    (venv) $ vi obstacle_avoidance.py
    #!/usr/bin/env python ###### GPIO #################################### import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Set the GPIO pins as numbering GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) ###### Sensor #################################### TrigPin = 22 EchoPin = 18 # Set the TrigPin's mode is output GPIO.setup(TrigPin,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(TrigPin, GPIO.LOW) # Set the EchoPin's mode is input, and ON→ HIGH GPIO.setup(EchoPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) ###### Distance from obstacle where GoPiGo should stop : 30cm distance_to_stop = 30 ###### 距離計測 #################################### import time def dist_read(): # 10us pulse to TrigPin sleep(0.3) GPIO.output(TrigPin, GPIO.HIGH) sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(TrigPin, GPIO.LOW) # 超音波発信 # EchoPin が LOW から HIGH に変わる時刻 signaloff while GPIO.input(EchoPin) == GPIO.LOW: signaloff = time.time() # EchoPin が HIGH から LOW に変わる時刻 signalon while GPIO.input(EchoPin) == GPIO.HIGH: signalon = time.time() # EchoPin が HIGH だった時間 timepassed = signalon - signaloff distance = timepassed * 17000 return round(distance) ##### GoPiGo motor ########################## from easygopigo3 import EasyGoPiGo3 egpg = EasyGoPiGo3() from time import sleep import gopigo3 gpg = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() ## 前進・後退 ############### # go forward def go_fwd(dist): egpg.set_speed(100) egpg.drive_cm(dist, True) # go backward 2sec def go_bk(): egpg.set_speed(100) egpg.backward() sleep(2) egpg.stop() ## 回転 #################### def rotation(t): egpg.set_speed(50) if t > 0: egpg.left() sleep(t) else: egpg.right() sleep(-t) egpg.stop() # 左45°回転の時間 Rot45 = 3.8 # 左90°回転の時間 Rot90 = 7.5 # 左120°回転の時間 Rot120 = 10.5 # turn right 90deg def turn_right(): print('turn right\n') rotation(-Rot90) # turn left 90deg def turn_left(): print('turn left\n') rotation(Rot90) ## サーボ ############### import gopigo3 gpg = gopigo3.GoPiGo3() # The case the servo cable is connected to Servo1. servo_n = gpg.SERVO_1 def pan(t): gpg.set_servo(servo_n, t ) # 正面 pan の値 Pan0 = 1500 # +45° pan の値 Pan45 = 400 def pan_front(): pan(Pan0) def pan_right(): pan(Pan0 - 500) def pan_left(): pan(Pan0 + 500) # 初期位置:正面に pan pan_front() ###### exit process ############################# import sys # Exit def bye(): # Release resource GPIO.cleanup() egpg.reset_all() gpg.reset_all() #プログラムを終了 sys.exit() #### The Program starts from here ############### print("Press ENTER to start") #Wait for input to start input() try: while True: #Find the distance of the object in front dist = dist_read() sleep(1) #print("distance from object: {} cm".format(dist)) print("Dist:",dist,'cm') #If the object is closer than distance_to_stop, stop the GoPiGo if dist < distance_to_stop: print("obstacle!\n") pan_right() dist = dist_read() sleep(1) print("Right Dist:",dist,'cm') r_dist = dist pan_left() dist = dist_read() sleep(1) print("Left Dist:",dist,'cm') l_dist = dist pan_front() sleep(1) # r_dist, l_dist <= distance_to_stop if r_dist<=distance_to_stop and l_dist<=distance_to_stop: go_bk() print("I gave up and stop!") bye() # r_dist or l_dist > distance_to_stop else: if r_dist>=l_dist: turn_right() else: turn_left() else: go_fwd( round(dist/3) ) # except the program gets interrupted by Ctrl+C on the keyboard. except KeyboardInterrupt: egpg.stop() bye()

    (venv) $ chmod +x obstacle_avoidance.py

    (venv) $ ./obstacle_avoidance.py Press ENTER to start Dist: 100 cm Dist: 72 cm Dist: 53 cm Dist: 37 cm Dist: 27 cm obstacle! Right Dist: 34 cm Left Dist: 42 cm turn left Dist: 96 cm Dist: 75 cm Dist: 86 cm Dist: 84 cm Dist: 108 cm Dist: 120 cm Dist: 16 cm obstacle! Right Dist: 18 cm Left Dist: 44 cm turn left Dist: 204 cm Dist: 81 cm ^C (venv) $