Webcam for Sun

(excerpt from

Webcam for sun is an application which uses the server push mechanism to send live video from a Sun workstation to Web clients aware of the server push mechanism (only netscape, to my knowledge). Webcam is an application written in C (based on a example of Sun) which can be directly installed in your cgi-bin directory.
It can produce either single JPEG images, sequences of JPEG images formatted as MIME multi-part messages for server-push, Mpeg movies or CellB movies.

Testing webcam for sun:

Try following links to test it out:

Using webcam for sun:

To use webcam, install the binary into the cgi-bin (or equivalent) directory of your web server. Then, images and videos can be downlaoded by clients by using the following URL: http://your.www.server/cgi-bin/nph-webcam?parameters.

Possible parameters are given below. A value is assigned to a parameter using the '=' sign. Multiple parameters are separated by '+' signs.

      parameter        meaning                       default

      o=name    - save bitstream in file              stdout
      C=type    - Compression type                     Jpeg
                  [ CellB | Mpeg1 | Jpeg ]
      q=quality - Jpeg compression quality               75
      s=factor  - shrink factor                           2
      I=chan    - select input channel                    1
      f=num     - frames to capture                       1
      i=num     - frames to skip between capture          0
      t=time    - max duration of capture [s]            60
      D=dev     - name of rtvc device                     /dev/rtvc0
      w=time    - watchdog (max time to wait when sending
                  an image before committing suicide)     5
      M         - write frames as MIME multipart message
                  for server push animation (useful for 
                  Jpeg images only)
For example, to get a single jpeg image from the webcam use

to get a sequence of 50 Jpeg images as a multipart MIME message using server push animation use

Getting webcam for sun:

Click here to download webcam (v1.2) for sun (source and/or binary).