Design of Unit/Class - Preface
Created : 1998-10-30
Modified: 1999-11-16
Design of Instruction starts from essential-orientedly
studing subjects
Next, the content of the
four phases of instruction
is determined.
Letting students see a form. (Introducing a form as a cultural heritage.)
Letting students know/find the (instrumental) meaning of the form.
Letting students evaluate the form as a workmanship.
Letting students exercise in using the form.
designing unit
A set of classes where a unit of sucject is instructed is called a unit.
A unit is a realization of the "four phases of subject instruction".
And finally,
designing each class session
In principle, one subject per unit hour of instruction.
Remember to proceed in the order of "whole --> part --> element". That is, "top-down" is the way.