Up | Japanese Books Created : 1995-10-30
Modified: 1999-09-20

[6] 生きる力をはぐくむ算数授業の創造(「マルチメディアの活用」第12巻), ニチブン,1999
[Under joint authorship : 「理論編 3.2.1 算数ネットサーフィン/算数博物館を出展する」 (Japanese), pp.208-213]

[5] インターネットが開く新しい学校教育(シリーズ「提言・21世紀の教育改革」),明治図書,1996
[Under joint authorship :「インターネットと学校教育」 (Japanese), pp.13-35]

[4] Study in Curriculum Development, vol.5, Children and forms (1996,3),Tokyo-shoseki
[Under joint authorship : "Mathematics education as instruction of forms: Forms as Essence" (Japanese), pp.169-185]

[3] Study in Curriculum Development, vol.4, Children and communication (1995,3),Tokyo-shoseki
[Under joint authorship : "Multimedia and mathematics education: Breakthrough by communication technology" (Japanese), pp.238-252]

[2] CRECER Seminar for the practice in junior-highschool-mathematics education vol.2, Number (1994,10), Nichibun
[Under joint authorship: “正負の数,有理数の指導のポイント” (Japanese), pp.212-220]

[1] Progress of the study in mathematics education(1993),Toyo-kan
[Under joint authorship :“分数教材の没理論性” (Japanese), pp.153-170]