Research scheme/strategy Created : 2004-12-03
Updated: 2005-04-22

    Specifying the basic method of today's organization design
Flow of research
  1. Consideration on 'deep' meaning of design action
  2. Reflection on our practice of design at the author's professional field
    - the design of regular class at teacher training course.
  3. Propose a basic scheme and solution for the organization design
  1. Design means the action of shifting the present (the given).
    As "the presenct (the given)", we target such a complex as organization/community.
    (Organization shift is usually aimed at as 'organization development'.)
  2. The secret of organization shif is the diversity of constituents
    - the diversity of individuals is the moment of organization shift.
    Diversity of individuals is the prerequisite (the point where we start out).
    The meaning of the diversity of individuals implies the meaning/direction/method of 'design'.
  3. Diversity of individuals is the definite condition of organizational well-being.
    Organization design is the design of 'activation of individuals diversity'.
  4. Today', one of the most promising solution for 'activation of individuals diversity' is the 'ICT-based', especially 'web-based'.
    We are still far from making the most of it.
  1. Confirm that the moment of organization shift is the diversity of individuals, by revealing the structure/mechanism of organization shift.
  2. Invoke the knowledge/thought of democracy, or its philosophical partner, pragmatism.
  3. Suggest that science/engineering of design is regarded as a science/engineering of democracy/pragmatism.
  4. Research (demonstration)
      Field Design of regular class at teacher training course, which is the author's profession.
      Standpoint What the author practices is 'organization shift'.
      Vital point (essence,
        main feature)
        of the design
      Management of apparently conflicting structure of
      'individuals (diverse) v.s. discipline (uniformly authorized)'
      Solution ICT-based, especially Web-based
      Proposition Confirm/specify the author's design method which is applied to his professional practice.
    Basic scheme of organization design :
  1. Design is an enterprise of shifting the given, typically organization.
  2. Organization design is an enterprise of activating diversity of individuals, because the diversity of individuals is the moment of organization shift.
    Especially, designer turns her/his concern toward the diversity rather than the commonness of individuals.
  3. "Activating diversity of individuals" strategy is not the same as "one-on-one" strategy.
    Its basic idea is "making/serving a field/space where diversity of individuals is activated".
    Thus, the organization design is the design of "field/space where diversity of individuals is well-activated".
  4. Concrete measure (assured by the author's professional practice at educational field) :
Elements of organization design
(Organization design as design of 'activation of indivuduals diversity')
Elements/modules of
'activation of individuals diversity'
(Quality and Efficiency)
  • Personal working space
  • Sound knowledge base
    (This gives gravitation to the working space !)
  • Task-achievement type working
  • Achievement demonstration/presentation