Progress - Units

Grade Unit Subunit Progress Hours
what why how
1 7. Geometry
and fractions
1. Solid 4 ?
2. Geometric shapes 2 ?
2 3. Fraction and Geometry 2. Types of lines . . . ?
3 3. Geometry 1. Straight lines, rays and line segments . . . ?
2. Measuring line segments . . . ?
3. Angles . . . ?
4. Types of angles . . . ?
5. The rectangle . . . ?
6. The square . . . ?
7. The perimeter . . . ?
8. The area . . . ?
4 3. Geometry 2. Drawing angles of given measures ?
3. Sum of the measures of angles of a triangle ?
4. Types of triangles ?
5. Drawing triangles ?
6. Perimeters of some geometric figures ?
5 4. Geometry
and Measurement
1. Parallel, intersecting and orthogonal lines 1 ?
2. Drawing a perpendicular to a line from a given point 2 ?
3. Drawing a straight line parallel to a given straight line through a point not on the line 1 ?
4. Applications 2 ?
5. Heights of a triangle 1 ?
7. Geometry
and Measurement
1. The circle 1 ?
2. Drawing a triangle given the lengths of its sides 1 ?
3. Circumference of a circle 1 ?