Case of Instruction/Learning System Design at University
— Practical Research : Developing Teacher Training Course
by Organization Design Strategy
Created : 2004-12-27
Updated: 2005-04-29

Now, as a confirmation of the method of information system design I have described, I introduce my practice of developing/using an instruction/learning system, together with course/class design, at teacher training course.
The point is : Information system design is regarded as design of organization shift where individuals diversty is fully activated/released — indeed, successful development of course/class at school is exactly such an organization shift.

  1. Speciality of University as Organization
    1. Creation of culture/world
    2. Diversity-oriented
    3. Loose organization

  2. Stance toward Instruction/Learning System Design

  3. Situations individutals diversity becomes evident

  4. Instruction/Learning System for Individuals-Diversity-Oriented Course/Class
    1. Tuning of Diversity Releasing
    2. Web-based
    3. Task-achievement style of learning
    4. Achievement presentation as self-realization
    5. Evaluaton of students' achievements

  5. Evaluation of Instruction/Learning System Design