Comprehensive Report

Compilation of Teacherfs Guide to Primary School Math

MIYASHITA, Hideaki (Mathematics Education)
Dispatched to Egypt from 1997/12/1 to 1998/11/30

  1. Abstract of the Project (Mathematics)

    1. What was Requested
    2. Background of Cooperartion

  2. Organization I Was Assigned to

    1. NCERD
    2. Counterparts
    3. Given
    4. Office Hour

  3. Contents of Working

    1. Making/Managing "Math Project" Homepage

    2. Making Teacher's Guide to Primary School Math ('Instruction of Techniques'-1)
    3. Media Training ('Instruction of Techniques'-2)
    4. Making Teacher's Manual of "How to Do Class" ('Instruction of Techniques'-3)

    5. Procuring Implements
    6. Office Work
    7. Making/Managing "Project" Homepage

    8. Illust of Progress of the Whole

  4. Product-out

    1. "Guide" Homepage
    2. "Guidebook"
    3. "Guide" CD-ROM
    4. Teacher's Manual of "How to Do Class"

  5. Evaluation of Result

    1. My Stance on Working
    2. Accordance to the Plan
    3. Appropriateness of the Plan
    4. Obstructions in Working
    5. Situation of Use of Implements, Effectiveness of Supplying Implements
    6. Result of Working

  6. Conclusion

    1. Conclusion
    2. Propasal, Others

  7. References

    1. Homepage of Making "Guide"
    2. "Guide" Homepage
    3. MINUTES
    4. PDM (Private Memo)
    5. A4 Form